15 July 2009

Therapy: MeMe Roth

Know what? I'm fat. I ain't happy about it, but I'm fat. I gained 60 pounds in less than 3 years thanks to a pulmonary embolism, depression and fibromyalgia complicated by type 3 Ehlers Danlos and an inoperable hiatus hernia.

I am coming to terms with the possibility that my body may never feel *good* again. I'm almost ok with being in constant physical pain and discomfort because my stomach pokes up into my chest cavity, my body won't process collagen correctly and my flesh feels like one giant, hypersensitive bruise. I don't need others to make me feel like crap. I already feel like crap, thanks.

Believe me, I do not intend, nor have I ever intended to keep gaining weight or further compromise my health. Stop yourself right there if you think you have 'advice' for me. I know that advice can be well-meaning - but it's usually ignorant and insensitive. Would you ask a cancer patient if they've tried chemo? Would you tell an asthmatic to, 'just breathe already'? It's pretty-much the same as asking me if I've tried 'X' 'Y' or 'Z' weight loss *solution*. If life were so simple - health workers would never fall ill. >.<

I. Am. Fat. I have been trying to get fit and lose weight for a while now. Most of the time I'm ok. Sometimes I'm not. This morning I was not ok. All night I had dreams of MeMe Roth's recent 'size 24 pants' publicity stunt . I wear size 24. I have no choice. Its either that or go to work naked.

Meredith Clements (aka MeMe Roth) seeks the spotlight by shaming anyone who's not a size zero. Her mission is to make an already uncomfortable personal situation
unbearable. Her definition of 'overweight' is dangerously absurd. Her demands that women fit into their wedding dress for the rest of their lives is cruel, misogynist, heternormative, presumptuous and practically impossible.

Legitimate health professionals must begin speaking out against this attention-starved publicist professing to be an 'obesity expert'.

In the mean time, I am lucky to have a supportive husband.

... and mad cathartic photoshop skillz!!



Mike Hunt said...

I am working on an article about MeMe and the decline of the FA Movement it should be on my blog. Please check it out and leave a comment.

We are the New Fat Acceptance and we see MeMe as someone we disagree with but we do not bash her.

I am Proud FA aka the Dean of Feederism and my partner Fat Bastard was a former Chapter chair for a major fat acceptance org.

MeMe Roth said...

Hey There, A.A.

First off, you do have mad cathartic photoshop skillz. It's a damn funny cut of the photo...

And I'm terribly sorry to hear about the health issues you've suffered. Sounds gawdawful...

We may not agree on all things "obesity," but I did feel compelled, after reading your post, to mention that I've never pressured anyone to be anything other than a healthy weight--whatever weight that is for their frame.

I grew up with obesity claiming the health and hopes of the people I love and respect the most. I wish you all the best in reclaiming your health after having such tough challenges thrown your way.

If ever you're interested in fact-checking, you can reach me at your convenience. If you're generally interested in my work, pls check
www.memeroth.com , www.memeroth.net or www.actionagainstobesity.com .

Take care!


accidental altruist said...

Hi MeMe

“If ever you’re interested in fact-checking” ??
I hope you aren’t implying that I failed to fact-check *before* photoshopping and blogging. It took a lot of digging to find your real name. Along the way I learned more about your work than I care to know. :-(

For anyone else who might read this comment: I ask you to watch the original clip which upset me in the first place. Come to your own conclusions. If you feel comfortable sharing I would love to get your feedback on this:


Larry Bud said...

You're both nuts.

Being fat is not healthy. That said, get the hell out of my life MeMe. The government has no business in it, and neither do you.

If you don't want to subsidize fat people, then don't subsidize fat people. The solution isn't MORE government intervention, it's less.

accidental altruist said...

Larry Bud - Neither I nor ProudFA said 'Being fat is healthy.' ... so who (besides MeMe) is nuts?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Larry... My grandma was fat. She was very active, lived into her 90s, and died from Alzheimer's. In contract, my husband's grandfather was skinny, yet he died in his 60s from a heart attack.

"Fat is not healthy"? People are not all the same. Fat people get sick, and so do skinny people. Skinny people can be healthy, but so can fat people. For the record, I'm neither. Just healthy, and intend to stay that way.

Accidental Altruist, great article. MeMe is, to put it mildly, completely insane.

Fat Bastardo said...

Amanda, you are a liar and jealous of MeMe Roth... Typical jealous fat girl Amanda.

accidental altruist said...

Ladies, Unicorns, Gentlemen:
^wannabe mind-reader in the hooooouuuuse!

Seriously, the "you're just jelly," argument is over.